What to Eat After Placement of All-on-4 Dental Implants

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Eating the right foods after All-on-4 implant surgery is extremely important and will help your implants to heal successfully and become firmly fused in your jawbone. This process, called osseointegration, takes several months to complete and is essential for long-lasting, strong, healthy implants.

Use our guide to learn what to eat initially in the first few days and weeks after surgery and when to start including other foods into your diet.

Dietary Guidelines for the First 1-2 Weeks After Surgery

Your jaws may feel stiff and sore immediately after surgery, and you could have some post-operative bleeding. During these first few days, follow a cool, liquid-based diet. Avoid hot liquids, which could irritate your mouth and delay healing.

Below are some examples of good liquids to consume.

  • Smoothies and milkshakes.
  • Protein shakes.
  • Smooth, cool soups.
  • Cool broth.
  • Meal replacement beverages.
  • Applesauce.
  • Fruit juice.
  • Popsicles.
  • Custard.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Yogurt.
  • Soft puddings.
  • Ice cream.
All-on-4 Implant Recovery What To Eat

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Staying Well Hydrated is Important

Ensure you drink plenty of water, as staying hydrated will help your mouth heal more quickly. Select protein-rich liquids and soft foods, as the nutrients will help you heal more quickly.

When consuming liquids, do not use a straw or a water bottle that needs you to suck the liquid up. This is extremely important as the suction can place your dental implants under pressure and disrupt healing.

Prioritizing Good Nutrition

A good, nutritious diet is essential after any form of surgery; implant surgery is no exception. Eating well will give your body the vitamins, minerals, and energy needed to heal and repair your oral tissues.

When choosing foods, try to opt for those high in protein. Consider where you can improve your protein intake, for example, by adding protein powders to juices and smoothies or soups.

Choose a variety of foods that include plenty of fruits and vegetables, and dairy products are important. Dairy products like cheese and yogurt contain protein and calcium, which help your body build a new, healthy jawbone around your implants.

Transitioning to Solid Foods

As your implants heal, you can gradually introduce more foods into your diet. Continue sticking to foods requiring minimal chewing and that are nutrient-rich.

Good options include:

  • Soft-boiled or scrambled eggs.
  • Mashed potatoes.
  • Pastas.
  • Rice.
  • Polenta.
  • Couscous.
  • Waffles and pancakes.
  • Muffins and cakes.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Tofu.
  • Legumes like lentils.
  • Soft, non-crusty breads.

Ensure all foods like grains are well cooked to soften them properly, for example, cous cous. Thoroughly cooking these foods will also help with digestion.

Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins and are very nutritious, but ensure you pick those containing no seeds. All vegetables should be steamed or boiled, so they are easy to eat and require minimal chewing.

Options include:

  • Bananas.
  • Peaches, apricots, and nectarines.
  • Pears.
  • Carrots that are steamed, boiled, or mashed.
  • Peas.
  • Avocados.

Dental implants can take three to six months to heal completely, but as healing continues, you can begin incorporating more foods into your diet, such as softer meats like fish or shredded chicken.

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Foods to Avoid After Implant Surgery

Certain foods need to be avoided after implant surgery as they can disrupt the healing process.

These foods include:

  • Hard to chew foods like steak, raw vegetables, and apples.
  • Hard, crunchy foods like popcorn, granola, taco shells, pretzels, crackers and chips.
  • Spicy foods like salsa, chilis, hot peppers, and hot sauces.
  • Acidic foods like tomatoes and vinegary foods such as pickles and citrus fruits.
  • Anything very hot or cold.
  • Sticky foods like caramels, dried fruit, and sticky candies such as taffy.
  • Any foods with seeds, including bread, fruit, and vegetables.
  • Nuts.

Sugary foods low in nutrients are best kept as an occasional treat, just as you would with your everyday dietary habits before implant surgery.

A lot of this advice is common sense, as you must avoid foods that are too hard and crunchy and could damage your dental implants or teeth. You must also avoid foods that could get stuck around the implants, such as anything very sticky or with seeds or nuts.

If you are unsure if you can eat something, please call us, and we will be happy to help you.

Coping with Digestive Issues During Implant Healing

Some medications prescribed may cause digestive issues or other problems like constipation. These can result if you are prescribed narcotic medication for pain relief.

Antibiotics should be taken as directed until you complete the course. If you use oral contraceptives, then you may need to use another method of birth control until your next cycle.

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Nausea and Constipation

Drinking something fizzy and sugary like Sprite or Coke can help settle your stomach if you feel nauseous. Apple juice is another liquid that can help when sipped slowly. Narcotic medication can cause constipation. If you are affected, use an over-the-counter laxative to relieve discomfort.

If narcotic medication is causing you to feel nauseous or constipated and you only have mild discomfort, you may feel more comfortable switching to other pain relievers such as Tylenol.

Returning to a Normal Diet After All-on-4 Dental Implant Surgery

Generally, it takes between three and six months for healing to be fully complete, so you can gradually introduce harder-to-chew foods after the first few months have passed. Please don’t rush this process; you can return to eating normally after this period.

Long-Term Dietary Considerations

Although you can return to your normal diet after several months, it is important to be mindful about what you eat and choose the right foods. A balanced, nutrient-rich diet will help your body maintain a strong, healthy jawbone and gums. Following a good diet will help ensure your dental implants last for years to come, are problem-free, and protect your general health.

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Get Expert, Friendly Advice About Your Diet

Our friendly dental team is always available to offer useful and practical dietary advice. We can review your diet with you and suggest how to improve it regarding your dental and general health.

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or are unsure about a specific food and when you can enjoy it again after implant surgery.

Page Updated on May 13, 2024 by
Dr. Rahmani
Implant Dentist
) of
NYC Dental Implants Center
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