Front Tooth Implant in NYC | Midtown Manhattan & Upper East Side

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Front Tooth ImplantsA front tooth implant protects your jawbone, looks and feels exactly like your own tooth. A front tooth dental implant closely resembles a natural tooth root, providing the alveolar bone with the stimulation needed so bone loss doesn’t occur, ensuring your jawbone remains strong and healthy. Front tooth implant treatment is preplanned, the actual surgery for placing a front tooth implant is quick, and you may only require a local anesthetic. You will receive a temporary tooth on the same day. Once healing is complete, your new permanent front tooth is made and fitted.

Front Tooth Implant

Your front teeth are quite vulnerable to dental injuries, and dentists frequently need to treat patients who have knocked out or damaged a front tooth by accident or during sporting activities. You can also lose front teeth because of infection and decay. Any tooth loss is unpleasant, but losing a front tooth is particularly upsetting for many people because we frequently draw much of our self-esteem and self-confidence from appearance.

Luckily, a front tooth implant can provide an excellent, long-term solution. When a front tooth is beyond saving, a dental implant is an option frequently suggested by experienced team of NYC implant dentists led by periodontist Dr. Navid Rahmani of NYC Dental Implants Center.

What is a Dental Implant?

Very briefly, a dental implant artificially restores the entire tooth, consisting of a small post or screw made from titanium alloy or zirconia, which is surgically inserted into the jawbone.

The implant post integrates with the jawbone during osseointegration, which takes about three months to complete. Once osseointegration is finished, an abutment is attached to the post and protrudes just above the gumline. The abutment supports the implant crown.

Why Choose a Dental Implant Over Other Ways to Replace a Front Tooth?

Other choices for replacing a front tooth include a one-tooth denture or a flipper, which is only a temporary solution.

Another option is to choose a dental bridge, and which is fitted over the teeth adjacent to the gap. These teeth must be substantially reshaped, removing a lot of their original structure so they can be crowned, and the crowns are attached to the replacement front tooth, called a pontic.

If your remaining front teeth are strong and healthy, a dental bridge is not ideal because the adjacent teeth are significantly ground down and will always need to be protected with dental crowns.

Removing dental enamel from these teeth increases the possibility of infection and decay in these teeth in the future. The pontic of a dental bridge will only rest on the gums, and over time, your gum tissue and the bone underneath will gradually resorb so that you could end up with an unsightly gap underneath the pontic.

In the long run, a single dental implant may be less expensive than a dental bridge. Dental restorations will need to be replaced eventually, and you will need to pay for a three-tooth or three-unit bridge rather than just a single implant crown.

The Most Natural Looking Solution for Front Tooth Loss

front tooth implants

Unlike a dental flipper or bridge that only rests on the gums, a front tooth implant provides a solution that looks and feels like a real tooth. A front tooth implant emerges from the gums just like a natural tooth. Even the gum around the tooth is carefully shaped to provide an optimal treatment outcome.

Front tooth implant looks and feels exactly like your own. Dr. Rahmani, a dental implant specialist in NYC, takes comprehensive care when designing and fabricating all implant teeth, especially when restoring a front tooth.

The Health Benefits of Having a Dental Implant

A dental implant helps to protect your dental health. When you lose a tooth, your remaining natural teeth will tend to drift towards the gap, destabilizing them and changing the way your teeth bite together. Additionally, tooth loss increases the stresses and strains on your remaining teeth when you bite into food. Replacing the tooth with a dental implant helps spread this load more evenly, so your natural teeth are less likely to wear or chip because of the additional forces.

One of the most important reasons for choosing a dental implant for your front tooth is for a protective effect on your jawbone. A dental implant closely resembles a natural tooth root, providing the alveolar bone with the stimulation needed so bone loss doesn’t occur, ensuring your jawbone remains strong and healthy.

The bone surrounding teeth, called alveolar bone, is quite fragile and can be destroyed by dental infection and begins to resorb soon after tooth loss. Bone loss affects the stability of the teeth adjacent to the gap, and it can affect aesthetics, resulting in that gap underneath a bridge pontic mentioned earlier.

The Treatment Process for a Front Tooth Implant

Initial evaluation: Initially, you will require a consultation with Dr. Rahmani, dental implants NYC expert and top New York specialist, so he can assess your dental health. If the front tooth is still in your mouth, Dr. Rahmani will evaluate it carefully to ensure it cannot be saved.

Custom treatment plan: The next stage is for your implant treatment to be planned with state-of-the-art computer-guided surgery. You will need a cone beam CT scan, providing detailed 3-D images of your front tooth and jaws, allowing Dr. Rahmani to preplan your implant surgery and create your custom treatment plan.

Preplanning your surgery: The treatment plan is transferred to a surgical stent or guide, a specialized template used during surgery. It ensures the implant is placed at precisely the precise position, depth, and angulation determined in your treatment plan. Preplanning your surgery helps eliminate errors while ensuring you receive a dental implant front tooth that looks and feels fabulous and fully functional. We will handle your custom treatment plan and surgery preplanning behind the scenes. Because you won’t have to be present, only a few dental appointments are required.

Tooth Extraction and Immediate Implant Placement: If you need tooth removal, Dr. Rahmani can almost certainly do this simultaneously as fitting a dental implant. He will use a removal technique called an atraumatic tooth extraction which minimizes damage to the alveolar bone. It’s also sometimes possible to place a small amount of bone grafting material simultaneously as a dental implant rather than to place it during a separate surgery.

Front tooth implant surgery in NYC: Because treatment is preplanned, the actual surgery for placing a front tooth implant is quick, and you may only require local anesthetic, but if you feel nervous, then ask about sedation dentistry which will ensure you feel completely comfortable and relaxed during the short front tooth implant procedure. Because as all the preparation and planning are completed beforehand, a single dental implant typically takes around an hour to place. Afterward, you will receive complete instructions on caring for the single implant site as it heals.

What to Expect After Front Tooth Implant Surgery?

When the anesthetic wears off, you may feel some minor discomfort, but this should be easily controllable with over-the-counter pain relief. However, it is not uncommon to feel no pain or discomfort as implant surgery is short and meticulously planned. If we have prescribed antibiotics, please take the complete course and carefully follow our instructions on caring for the surgery site.

No Need to Worry You Will Be Left Without a Tooth

You will receive a temporary tooth on the same day of your front tooth implant procedure in NYC. The tooth is mostly for aesthetic purposes only, and you should avoid biting on the tooth while it heals. It’s likely to be constructed in such a way to ensure it doesn’t contact your opposing teeth. Once healing is complete, your new permanent tooth is made and fitted, completing your treatment and leaving you to enjoy your newly rejuvenated smile.

Caring for Your Front Tooth Implant

Single dental implants are quite easy to care for and can be brushed and flossed just like your natural teeth. You must commit to looking after your dental implant, brushing your teeth at least twice a day, and flossing once a day, and your regular dental checkups and cleanings are crucial. Although your front dental implant may be artificial, the tissue surrounding it certainly isn’t.

Without the proper care, these tissues can become infected and could ultimately lead to implant failure. Dental implants are such a fabulous treatment you certainly don’t want this to occur! With the proper care, your front tooth implant should last for years or even for life.

You Don’t Need to Be Scared of Implant Surgery

The front tooth implant surgery in New York for dental implants might sound scary, but it isn’t! This procedure usually is short. Dr. Rahmani places a single implant in an hour or even less. Also, many dental implant dentists, including Dr. Rahmani, offer dental sedation for more nervous patients or people requiring multiple tooth implants.

You can rest assured that you will be comfortable and relaxed during this single front tooth implant treatment, so don’t let it put you off. Options for dental sedation will most likely include IV or intravenous sedation, also known as sleep dentistry, because you could well sleep through the treatment. With IV sedation, you feel so deeply relaxed that you will likely remember nothing or very little about the procedure. Instead, you’ll wake up with your new dental implant front tooth in place, ready to be fitted with your temporary teeth while healing occurs. Once recovered, two or three months later, your permanent teeth are made and fitted. All you need do is enjoy life without ill-fitting dentures.



I love this office their friendly make you feel at home and they always try to fine away to help you with what ever problem you have i would highly recommend them.

vanessa moses


Omg when i tell you this experience was exactly what the Dr Rahmani said it was going to be. I was extremely nervous about getting the implant because i waited so long to do it. The procedure didn’t take long and i didn’t experience much pain!!! I highly recommend everyone to come see Dr Rahmani ASAP!!!!

Angela Martin

Advantages of Choosing an Implant Specialist for Your Front Tooth Implant Procedure

While some dental implants may be very straightforward to place, others, like mini dental implants for front tooth may require more extensive planning and experience. General dentists are unlikely to put as many implants as a periodontist and dental implants specialist in NYC, Dr. Navid Rahmani. If you need additional procedures, such as a bone graft, your general dentist may well need to refer you to a specialist. In contrast, Dr. Rahmani will be able to carry out the bone graft and your implant surgery in Manhattan. Dr. Rahmani also uses the most sophisticated and up-to-date grafting materials. These are often synthetic and are specially designed to integrate your natural bone and encourage its growth.

Front Tooth Implant Before & After

Front Tooth Implants Before and After Pictures - Step-by-Step Transformation Gallery
Front tooth implant after the root infection
Front tooth implant replacement and veneers
Front tooth implant replacement and veneers
Front tooth implants and veneers
Front tooth implants and veneers. Smile makeover
Front teeth implants, orthodontics and veneers
Front teeth implants, orthodontics and veneers. Smile makeover multi disciplinary.

See more photos of front tooth dental implants before and after.

Dr. Navid Rahmani is an internationally recognized NYC dentist, board-certified periodontist, and one of the country’s best-rated front tooth implant specialists. All procedures are performed on Upper East Side in our Midtown NYC dental center. If you have any questions about front tooth implant placement or to make an appointment, please call our Midtown Manhattan dental implants center:

NYC Dental Implants Center
121 East 60th St Ste 6C2
New York, New York 10065
(60th St. btw Park Ave / Lex Ave)
☎ 212-256-0000

Page Updated on Sep 18, 2024 by
Dr. Rahmani
Implant Dentist
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NYC Dental Implants Center
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